Fremium Plan Welcome to HubCare HealthA platform that gives everyone in Africa access to affordable, quality care – whenever, and wherever they need it. Why HubCare ? ✓ Cut Down Your Healthcare Expenses✓ Experience 24/7 Care at your fingertips✓ Enjoy holistic virtual healthcare for your well-being✓ Achieve all your healthcare needs at one place. Answer a few questions to START your one month free healthcare plan. Leave this field blank First Name Last Name After your one month free trial, which plan will you like to upgrade to Individual Plan Family Plan Address City State Country Email WhatsApp Number Do you have any condition like diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol that needs continuous management? Yes No If yes, what conditions (optional) Will you like to extend this plan to your child? (you can only add one child to this plan) Yes No If Yes, What is the full name of the child (optional) How old are you? Under 18 years 18-44 45-64 65+ What is your biological sex? Male Female Do you need sponsorship for this plan? No Yes if Yes, what reason(s) do you need this support? (optional) Submit